In October 2015 we hosted a conference focused on how churches and communities can better connect to people we have overlooked. That includes persons affected by incarceration, mental illness, sexual violence, domestic abuse, addiction, poverty and the like. Participants–and those who connect after that fact–are invited to continue the conversation. We’ve set up this page where you can comment and share what you’re doing, how we can support you, what ideas you have and more. We’ll be watching for your comments here!
This was a very rewarding conference for me and my wife, Pastor Sandra (Island UMC-Muscatine). I found the presentation on human trafficking to be especially information (and a little depressing), but as a minister and a member of the board of education at L&M School District, I am working to get a presentation made in the Spring to the Freshman class. I have also addressed the issue several times in sermons.
For next year, a suggestion–what about the pressures on law enforcement included? They are also next door to us and how do they respond to human trafficking, to those who have been released from prison and trying to rebuild their lives, to those who may or may not have a gun when confronted by Police. Where is the role of ministry in the lives of men and women in law enforcement/public safety, especially in light of incidents in last few years of shootings of people, and now the increasing acts of terrorism.Sandra and i are volunteer chaplains with the Muscatine Police department and could address the questions from that perspective.