I have sat in a lot of places. On the century farm in Iowa where I grew up and live again. In lecture halls of higher learning. At business offices in high-rise buildings. On church pews and folding chairs. Inside prison where I served as pastor for nine years. Each time I have found amazing neighbors. I want to be one of those, for others, with you.
Foolish Church
Messy, raw, and real aren’t the words most of us use when we say what’s good about our churches. But what if they were? Author Lee Roorda Schott found out, serving a beautiful church inside the Iowa women’s prison. A lifelong church person, she discovered more church, and greater faithfulness, in this most unlikely setting, with room for people the church has often overlooked. In Foolish Church: Messy, Raw, Real, and Making Room (Cascade Books, February 2019), Lee shares the lessons she has learned there, with the hope that church leaders outside of prison might be inspired, equipped and encouraged to the kind of foolishness that allows the church to live out its call. We’ll explore church characterized by honest relationship, protection of the vulnerable, radical welcome and healthy boundaries. Practical application for the local church context and discussion questions for group study are included throughout.
As we live out what Lee describes, we’ll find these messy, raw, real churches will also be making room.
Also check out The Fools’ Manual, Lee’s recently released study and practice guide that will help you put Foolish Church into action.
Join the “Foolish Church” conversation on our @FoolishChurch page on Facebook.
Foolish Church is available through various online sellers including Amazon, Wipf and Stock, or Cokesbury, or–if you see Lee in person–you can get a copy through her for $16 (including sales tax).
For Lee’s Press Kit–with press release, author Q&A and book excerpt: Click here!
Lee Roorda Schott is a United Methodist elder and currently the pastor of Valley UMC in West Des Moines. She came to this role after nine years as pastor of Women at the Well, a church inside the women’s prison in Mitchellville, Iowa. She has spoken to audiences big and small in the role of guest preacher, keynote speaker, workshop presenter, discussion panelist, and noted author of the books Foolish Church and The Fools' Manual. Her favorite types of events are interactive, communal, and … Click for more about Speaking
About the Author
Since July 2020, Lee has been serving as pastor of Valley United Methodist Church in West Des Moines, Iowa. She comes to this work from nine years as pastor of Women at the Well in Mitchellville, a church based inside the walls of the Iowa women’s prison. That work planted in her a vision of the church outside the prison embracing persons right in their communities who face challenges like the ones we see so often inside the prison: addiction, mental illness, sexual assault and domestic … Click for more about About the Author
Contact Me
By e-mail: foolishchurch@gmail.com
By phone: 515/218-1376 (voice & text)
Via Facebook: Lee Roorda Schott (on Facebook)
By mail: 4201 Ashworth Road, West Des Moines, IA 50265